Facebook Marketing Mistakes

11 Facebook Marketing Mistakes Which Can Cost You A Fortune

Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook are the three social media platforms showing their magical powers to influence many small businesses.

The success cake has an individual pie of all these platforms. Facebook has always been a friend to many business owners. Many are even forging their personal brand on this amazing platform.

But there are many Facebook marketing mistakes most of the people make. I am sure, you wouldn’t make any.

In the past few years, Facebook has emerged a platform to stand more before a personal platform. Business owners have taken a step further.

What Are The Mistakes No One Should Make?

You can’t forget the fact that Facebook is a way to interact with the people from the different parts of the world. There is no single thing you can’t take help via this platform.

Let me point out some mistakes.

#1. You Forget To Reply To Comments.

Whether you’re using a business page or your personal profile, you should never avoid your followers. People want the answers to their queries.

The more you interact, the more will be chances of embracing your personal brand. To run a successful business, it’s always recommended to keep the harmony with your followers.

#2. Inconsistency.

No one likes a page which gets updated once a month. How can you expect to keep your followers’ eyes without consistency?

People need the fresh content. Provide them what they really want. Have you ever noticed the growth of a successful Facebook business page?

The main thing which keeps their followers stick is consistency.

#3. You Don’t Spend Even A Penny.

The time where people used to like and share the content has gone. Between the millions of people and thousands of options, you have to make people aware of your page.

Boost your posts using Facebook ads. It’s one of the best ways in today’s digital world. I have done a few Facebook ads case studies which turned out to be lucrative.

You can reach more than 2000 people just by spending $1.

#4. You Don’t Bother About Facebook Analytics.

It’s one of the biggest Facebook marketing mistakes people make. You would be amazed to know that for targeting the right audience, it can be a golden coin.

For better Facebook ads exposure, you can use its pixels. Those will help you analyze the type of audience you should target in your next ad.

#5. Spit Out Your Anger On Your Page.

It’s normal to have a hard time in the life. A few people take their anger out on their page. Whether it’s because of their personal life or any competitor, you should never let it impact your own brand.

I have experienced it when a company page had an issue and threw everything to their readers. It wasn’t a good time for them.

I am sure, you wouldn’t do any stupid mistake which can affect your social reputation.

#6. You Don’t Invest Time In Building Human Relationships.

It’s all about the people, your followers, your readers. If you’re not taking the time to connect with them, how can you expect the positive results?

In the past few years, I have learned one special thing.

“Human bonds are worth spending time for.”

You can make many friends which can help you spread your content on the social media platforms.

#7. No Visual Content.

This is one of the Facebook marketing mistakes most of the people make. In this era of visualization, people have a soft corner for the attractive images and the videos.

Many studies have shown that video marketing brings more exposure than any other. Though I am not a photogenic person and not a TV personality but somehow an idea of creating video always strikes my mind.

#8. You Avoid Complaints.

Your followers need to get their problems solved. If they complain, don’t forget to solve. People have the tendency to approach different platforms and they stick to one where the problem gets solved.

When someone brings his problem to your door, it’s your chance to build more potential clients by making the one happy.

#9. Diversity Isn’t Your Thing.

People need variety, they wish to taste all the salts and spices of the content. It’s you who can satisfy their hunger and make them stay.

I remember how I used to share only one type of the content in my starting days and had no exposure. A little bit of twist in your sharing recipe can boost your business.

#10. You Neglect The Power of the Bio.

Whenever you boost your page or share it anywhere, your page bio plays a significant role. It gets noticed at first. Curate a piece of the content people would want to follow.

If your page is about fashion, embed all the necessary ingredients required to craft a professional fashion blogging Facebook page.

#11. You Don’t Share Others’ Content.

Most of the people have a strong tendency to keep their Facebook page only for their business. Well, it’s true and good but how can you expect others to share your content if you don’t share theirs?

Social media is all about sharing, the more you like, share and comment, the more will be the exposure to your page. Spread the love and forge your brand.

Do You Make Any of the Facebook Marketing Mistakes?

We’re humans and mistakes are the parts of our lives. But people who repeat those aren’t expected to be a surety to provide the quality.

Social media platforms are all about sharing and caring, it’s about how you interact with your followers. What are the things you would want to give up?

Are there any Facebook marketing mistakes you want to avoid? We all are excited to craft a list of mistakes for our future reference.

Facebook can be a rock solid business platform if you have a strong strategy. You should follow some Facebook marketing tips.

If you have something to say, drop a comment below.

You can also connect with us on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook.

by Ravi Chahar

A WordPress Professional and the LinkedIn Influencer. A coder by passion and a blogger by choice. WordPress theme development is his forte. He is your WordPress guy who will teach you how to solve WordPress errors, WordPress security issues, design issues and what not.

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  1. Hey Ravi,

    I haven’t started Social Media Optimization yet but once I do, I will keep these points in my mind. I might have made few mistakes for sure but thanks for sharing the info. Seems like you have learnt a lot with experience.

  2. Hi Ravi,

    Facebook is probably the biggest social network people using right now. It is a powerful marketing tool that can bring a huge profit if use it right.

    I have seen companies who has facebook pages but they barely visit that themselves. There are hundreds of questions on their page but no one is responsible to reply them. It makes only a negative effect on their business.

    You put light on some cool points that business owners should take care of if they using facebook for business purpose.


    Umesh Singh

  3. Hi Ravi,

    #5 is a big one.

    We are human. We get angry. Understood. But Facebook – and being online – gives us a blessed buffer. This is a 5 second – or longer – countdown we can dive into when feeling angry or upset or agitated. If I feel annoyed, I watch the feelings and let them pass before posting anything to FB. 100% of the time I let go the angry rant and either share something more loving or I share nothing at all.

    This is not like the offline world where we need to be enlightened not to react to annoyance LOL. We have to anger, physically type out a response and hit a Submit button. Show emotional maturity. Take a deep breath. Let it go. Build a high energy, loving, fun brand. Leave the angry rants for bottom feeders.


    1. Hey Ryan,

      I read the rants every day where people spit out everything about their personal life which costs them. You’re right, it’s not an offline life.

      People really need to understand the concept of dealing with this world full of intriguing people. Facebook is a platform to build your brand but these mistakes can ruin everything you have.

      Thanks for sharing your thoughts.


  4. Hi Ravi,

    Those were some great points u mentioned, whether it’s a small FB page or a huge following one…these things should definitely be considered…!!!

    Thanks for sharing..!!!

  5. Hey Ravi,

    Facebook marketing is a new discipline for many companies that represents a great opportunity and also a challenge. Any social media marketing, Facebook marketing included, requires a fundamental shift in how you think about your campaigns.

    Sharing other contents on Facebook page has always positive impact on both, it helps to thrive healthy relationship with audience as well as content parent. Eventually, thanks for sharing these amazing facts.

    With best wishes,

    Amar kumar

  6. Hey Ravi,

    #3 is a big one for me.

    For quite a few years I would only invite people to my facebook page and only share my post all for free.

    I did pretty good for doing it for free. I got up to a 1,000 which took me about 4 years. But, once I started boosting my posts and pages, I tripled the members within a month and started gain way more traffic.

    As far as #7, I did a couple of videos but like you, videos aren’t my think, but I do have it in the back of my mind. I think I would do more personal development/mindset videos again if I ever decide to do it.

    Great share! Have a great weekend!

    1. Hi Sherman,

      There are millions of Facebook pages and to get people’s insight, you have to spend some money. I have tested a few ads and the response was phenomenal.

      Sharing your content is always good but you should do some variations too.

      Video marketing is a thing now. People are really into live streaming and if you got it backed up then you can engage more people.

      Thanks for sharing your experience.


  7. Hi Ravi,

    Lots of on-target suggestions for those Facebook marketing mistakes that are so easy to make.

    A big one, I think, is to make sure to share a lot of content from other people.

    So often, people get caught up in promoting themselves all the time, but that never sits well with your readers. They want to get good content, information ideas. That can’t always come just from you.


    1. Hey Donna,

      Facebook marketing is something people really need to learn about. Self-promotion isn’t the only thing you should do. People like variations. Diversity is what you need to adapt.

      Share others’ content and you will get more exposure than ever before.

      Thanks for stopping by.


  8. Hi Ravi. Excellent list. I don’t spend any money on Facebook, at least I haven’t so far. I do pretty well with the rest of your points. Regarding #11, I love to share other peoples’ content. It amazes me how little other people do.

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